Leave of Absence Services from Classes in the Social Welfare Study Program:

The leave of absence service in the Social Welfare Study Program, FISIP UMM, is provided for students who cannot attend classes temporarily due to specific reasons. Eligible students can request official permission to be absent from classes by following the established procedures.

Categories Eligible for Leave of Absence from Classes:

  1. Illness
    Students who cannot attend classes due to health reasons, whether minor or severe, may apply for permission by attaching a medical certificate from a doctor or hospital.

  2. Official Academic or Non-Academic Activities
    Students participating in activities organized by the university or external institutions that support academic or non-academic achievements, such as competitions, seminars, internships, or student exchange programs, can apply for leave.

  3. Family Matters
    Permission can be granted to students with urgent family matters, such as important family events, weddings, or family emergencies, by providing supporting documents.

  4. Accidents or Emergency Situations
    Permission is granted to students facing emergencies, accidents, or urgent situations that require immediate attention, such as natural disasters or personal accidents.

  5. Special Circumstances
    In certain cases, students may also be granted leave for special circumstances, such as undergoing long-term therapy or urgent social responsibilities, with supporting documents and approval from the appropriate authority.

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Leave of Absence Services:

  1. Leave Application by Students
    Students who wish to apply for leave must fill out a leave request form available at the administration office or through the online system. The form must clearly and specifically state the reason for the leave.

  2. Submission of Supporting Documents
    Students are required to submit supporting documents according to the category of leave they are applying for. These documents may include a doctor’s certificate (for health reasons), invitation letters (for family matters), or assignment letters (for official activities).

  3. Document Review by Administration
    The administration will review the completeness of the documents submitted by the student. If any documents are missing, the student will be given the opportunity to complete the required documentation.

  4. Approval by Course Lecturer and Head of the Study Program
    Once the documents are complete, the request will be forwarded to the lecturer in charge of the course for approval. The lecturer will assess whether the reason provided is acceptable. Final approval is given by the Head of the Study Program.

  5. Notification of Leave Decision
    Once approved, the student will receive a notification via email or the academic information system regarding the status of their leave. If the request is denied, the student will be given the reasons for the denial and further guidance.

  6. Archiving of Leave Records
    A copy of the approved leave will be stored by the administration for documentation and future reference purposes.

  7. Arrangements for Make-Up Classes or Assignments
    Students who have been granted official leave must coordinate with the course lecturer regarding how to make up for missed classes, such as completing additional assignments, taking make-up exams, or doing independent work.

Duration of Leave and Additional Conditions:

  • Short-term leave: For one or two class sessions, only the relevant supporting letter is required.
  • Long-term leave: If leave is needed for a longer period (e.g., a week or more), students must provide more detailed information and may be required to report the progress of their condition periodically.

Important Notes:

  • A leave of absence does not automatically exempt students from their academic obligations. Students are still responsible for completing any missed work or material, as agreed upon with the course lecturer.
  • Leave applications must be submitted before the scheduled class time that will be missed, except in emergencies that cannot be foreseen.

With this SOP, the leave of absence service in the Social Welfare Study Program is expected to run orderly, allowing students to obtain their rights while fulfilling their academic responsibilities.