The Social Welfare Study Program has objectives in preparing graduate profiles with reference to: (1) Producing graduates who have practical competence in the field of Social Work; (2) Producing quality and published scientific research that is academically and practically useful; (3) Producing practical social work models based on diversity, local wisdom and information technology; (4) Producing graduates who have accessibility and acceptability to the job market; (5) Producing academicians who behave in accordance with Islamic and Muhammadiyah values; (6) Realizing the institutional professionalism of the study program based on Islamic and Muhammadiyah values, and (7) Establishing cooperation with relevant parties for the development of Social Work science and practice. Based on the objectives of the study program, the following table helps explain the profile of study program graduates.


Graduate Profiles



Policy Analyst

Able to perform social advocacy based on the results of social policy analysis, particularly for the clients at mezzo (social group) and macro (society) levels.

GP 2.

Psychosocial Counselor

Able to provide psychosocial counseling for the victims of violence, natural disaster, and trauma, particularly at the micro level (individual and family).

GP 3.

Community Social Worker

Able to provide social service to improve a client’s social functions at the mezzo level (social group)

GP 4.

The Human Service Organization Manager

Able to provide social intervention service of capacity building improvement at micro and mezzo levels. 

GP 5.

Medical Social Worker

Able to provide social rehabilitation for the client in a hospital or health clinic and deliver psychosocial support, including accessing the information of the resources required (health insurance).

The main users of Social Welfare Study Program graduates are government institutions such as the Ministry of Social Affairs, the Ministry of Women and Children Empowerment, and so on, as well as private institutions such as the Malang Corruption Watch NGO, and so on. Efforts to improve the quality of graduates are carried out through the Social Worker certification test in collaboration with the Professional Certification Institute of the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, competency testing as a Community Empowerment Facilitator in collaboration with the UMM Professional Certification Institute (LSP), International Practicum certification test in collaboration with Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Childcare certification test in collaboration with Save the Children Indonesia.

Social Welfare Study Program graduates answer the needs of the world of work in the fields of policy analysts, psychosocial counselors, community social workers, human service organization managers, medical social workers. Based on the profile of graduates, here are some notable alumni and their workplaces: Drs. Siswanto, MM (Head of the Batu City Human Resources Personnel and Development Agency), Wildan Arif Yulisansyah (Functional Social Worker of the East Java Social Service), Bintaryana Anugraheni, S.Sos, M.Si. (Social Worker Assessor LSP Ministry of Social Affairs RI), Putri Eka Pratiwi (Corporate Communication Officer PT. Djarum Tbk.), and Lilis Indahyani (Village Community Development Trainer).