Vision, Mission and Goals

“To become a competitive and innovative study program at the global level in the development of Social Work science and practice based on Islamic and Muhammadiyah values.”


  1. Developing education and teaching in the field of Social Work that is superior, innovative, and based on Islamic and Muhammadiyah values.
  2. Improving research and scientific publications that are innovative and contribute to the development of Social Work science at the global level.
  3. Implementing community service programs that are relevant, sustainable, and based on Islamic and Muhammadiyah values.
  4. Build strategic and sustainable cooperation with related institutions, both at the national and international levels, based on Islamic and Muhammadiyah values.



  1. Producing competitive and innovative graduates in the field of Social Work, who have integrity and are able to integrate Islamic and Muhammadiyah values in their professional practice.
  2. Improve the quality and quantity of research and scientific publications that have a significant impact in the development of Social Work science at the global level.
  3. Implement sustainable, innovative, and impactful community service programs, by applying Islamic and Muhammadiyah values.
  4. Expanding and deepening strategic cooperation with related institutions at the national and international levels, to support the development of Social Work science and practice.