Student Organization Room

- Description: The Student Organization Room is an area provided for student organizations or student associations that function as a center for student activities on campus. This room is designed to effectively support organizational activities, both for meetings, activity planning, and administration.

- Facilities: The room is usually equipped with meeting tables, chairs, whiteboards or notice boards, computers, and storage cabinets for organizational documents and supplies. The room often has internet access, printers, and audio-visual equipment to support organizational activities.
- Uses: This room is used by the organization's board to hold meetings, develop work programs, and store student administration files. It is also where coordination between students takes place in the implementation of campus events, such as seminars, competitions, social activities, and other student events. In addition, this room can serve as a place for consultation or meetings with supervisors and campus management regarding student activities.

- Atmosphere: The atmosphere in the Student Affairs room tends to be dynamic, as it is often used by various student organizations with varied activities. However, the room is designed to create a productive environment that supports student creativity and innovation.

This space becomes one of the centers of social interaction and coordination, supporting the development of student soft skills such as leadership, communication, and teamwork.